Khalifa parted with Warner Bros because they stop giving him weed money and released his second album, Deal or No Deal for Real.

His Crazy Frog Ringtone-influenced single, "Say Hell Yeah Bitch! HA, HA, HA!", received Bubble Gum radio airplay but it flopped, charting on the Rhythmic Top 40 and Hot Rap Tracks charts in 2008.

He released his debut album, Show and Prove (Which people never heard of it), in 2006, and signed to Warner Bros the same people that made Looney Tunes. Cameron Jibril Thomaz (born September 8, 1987), prostitute, weekend drunk, and glass blower better known by the stage name Wiz Khalifa, is an African-American rapper. Wiz Khalifa stoned out of his mind, In 2010.